Jan Kiel



Jan is a senior expert with more than 25 years of experience in transport policy studies for both passenger and freight transport. These studies are usually carried out using different tools, models and databases. Jan’s competences embrace project management, training, the development, application and auditing of transport models and databases, cost-benefit analysis, transport economics, economic geography and sustainable transport. Jan has worked for different clients such as the European Commission, the World Bank, different Ministries of Transport or regional and local governments.

For the European Commission, Jan was involved in projects such as Spotlights, IASON, REVENUE, ETIS-PLUS, Worldnet, iTREN2030, WEATHER, COFRET, ASSIST, I-C-EU and INTACT. Excerpts of these projects can be found on www.transport-research.info. These projects differ in size and content, thus showing Jan’s broad interests.

For different Ministries of Transport, Jan carried out projects such as the development of an international freight transport model (France), assessment of different policy scenarios for the metropolitan area of Riga (Latvia), a willingness-to-pay study for a toll-road between Kampala and Jinja (Uganda), a training in transport planning (Egypt), or the development of a method to weigh different policy packages (Netherlands).

Given the scope of his work, Jan is able to switch quickly between different subjects or to integrate or combine them in projects. Looking at questions from different perspectives is an important added value that Jan provides to his clients.